How you can keep studying?


I've been through a busy exam storm, which is not over yet. The hardest thing is, to concentrate!
I mean if you procrastinate your study and study intensely for a few days and then you pass the exam but the exam following will be like hell!

Times like that what you gotta do will be just to close your eyes and think about a place with a cool breeze. You should feel good, feel refreshed, keep closed for at least 2 minutes. And that makes a 45 minute work! No it's for real. You should try it.

If you need to work for hours. You can do this several times but don't overdo it. Overdoing always spoils things.

Scheduling may be a good idea but sometimes it makes it more difficult to get started. When you can't fit to your schedule, you'll get more depressed if you are that type.

The most important thing is, though, is your motives why you should work. That means if you want to work more efficiently, you need to have a good aim. Psychologically, the urgency signal comes to you earlier than your mates, if you have a good future aim.

To be successful is a challenge which requires studying studying and asking! Which I think is more important than studying. Communicate with people that knows more, that is a shortcut. A Chinese proverb says: A single conversation with a wise man is better than ten years of study.

You know that Chinese are always right! :)


  • Adsız says:
    11/20/2011 6:24 ÖS

    I just read that you recently closed your facebook acount. Did it help you to concentrate on your busy exam storm ? Or do you still consider to reopen your account?

  • Adsız says:
    11/21/2011 7:51 ÖÖ

    I like it:) You're so amazing

  • Can says:
    11/22/2011 5:59 ÖÖ

    Thanks for your comments,
    I don't really consider reopening my account, I'm pretty satisfied. I could concentrate better for my studies. Although I get really bored time to time, I started to get used to it.

  • Adsız says:
    11/22/2011 7:25 ÖS

    It is good to hear from you such a lovely words :D I hope you will be better than now.

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